When exactly is Email Forgiveness Day?
I remember it being April 30th. In fact, I'm sure of it. But, Gimlet Media, the company that produced the podcast where the holiday was invented says Email Forgiveness Day is September 30th. Today.
I remember it being April 30th. In fact, I'm sure of it. But, Gimlet Media, the company that produced the podcast where the holiday was invented says Email Forgiveness Day is September 30th. Today.
In iOS 17.1 (beta) Apple Music finally makes a playlist from your hearted songs. Except a star replaces the heart.
On page 6
From r/applemusic on Reddit
iOS 17 brings a new feature I've been waiting a long while to enjoy— Siri can now read aloud web articles right in Safari.
I've used the feature a dozen times so far, and while its my favorite new feature by far, the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. Siri isn't a particularly smart virtual assistant by any measure. So, it's no wonder that it struggles with all the variables of the written word.
Type: #Note Re: #iOS #Siri #Standardization #Technology
When I stumbled on the concept of digital gardens, it lit up my brain. It gave me a framework for something I've long tried (and failed) to accomplish with my previous blogs.
Type: #Note Re: #DigitalGarden
You know how when you push down on your feed, it refreshes? Twitter's design team invented that feature. They invented it; something so ubiquitous and elegant you don't even think about it.
Type: #Note Re: #Technology #Design
I have everything a person entrenched in Apple's ecosystem would have— iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, MacBook Pro, etcetera, etcetera.
Type: #Note Re: #Design #Siri #Technology